
In order to write my draft I took my outline and I just purely typed my draft on what I knew about the information I had on my outline. It was different to other drafts I’ve written because I have never written two essays in a row that were related to each other like this. It also was different because I already knew most of the information for the second essay from writing the first essay. It all seemed to go fairly well. The length of the paper turned out pretty good and all my information seemed to flow together pretty smoothly.

Some questions I do have is: What should I definitely change about the paper? Also What is something that I actually did good on in the paper?

blog post #7

Some beliefs, values, or attitudes that people may have about my topic is that don’t really know or care about genetically modified foods. A value they may have is that they want their foods to stay all natural and unmodified. When writing my paper i need to make it interesting to read so they want to keep reading. i also have to show that it is an important topic that should be read and to show them the importance and significance of my topic.

blog post#6

A lot of people don’t know much about the genetic engineering of crops but what some people do know is that the genetically modifying of crops can allow for bigger and better produce and that it can be resistant to certain things such as pesticides and certain bugs. All the stuff that people know about genetically modified crops is actually true. I find it interesting that people know as much as they do about genetically modified foods because its a more complicated and different topic that is covered or brought up all the time. I have come to believe that genetically modified crops are a good thing for the economy and society because of all the benefits it has and because it already is most of the market.

april 10

The three views on my topic is that genetically modified crops should be regulated stricter, another is that the regulations now are good enough and it should just be left alone, and lastly some think that only a few select things should be regulated. The people that believe they should be regulated stricter want it all to be regulated. They want better labeling on foods and more laws regarding seeds and cross pollination. Next some believe that it should just be left alone and that the rules they have now are good enough. Lastly some people only want stricter regulations on the cross pollination of the seeds between farmers fields.

The thing that is motivating most writers in the sources is to inform the public of the effects of genetically modified crops. There are many effects from the crops and that is what most of the writers are making aware. The writers are also informing the public on the seed company, Monsato, because they have lots of lawsuits with farmers because of their seeds cross pollinating with others. They are taking the opposing sides facts and taking other facts to make the other sides view point look wrong or way off. Some of the writers also twist others stories and make them sound bad. I am taking notes by highlighting on printed sheets and I am also taking notes on note cards.

3 sources


I found these websites by typing in genetically modified crops on the UWMC library website and found some of the better articles. They are credible because they were written by government agencies, credible authors, or  it was about a story.  There are some bias’ because they deal with Monsanto, a big seed company, so their opinions on everything will obviously be different then everything else. I will use Monsanto’s opinions and side to show the benefits of genetically modified crops and how it can be good for the economy. I will also use their side for some facts in my paper to explain seed company profits and motives.

Should genetically modified crops and foods have stricter regulations from the government?

This topic is interesting to me because I am majoring in crop and soil science so this is right in my alley way and enjoy learning more about farming every day and I worked on farms my whole life growing up. This matters because the public’s safety is in the hand of the government and if they don’t regulate the GMO’s then the public could get very sick and possibly suffer some long term side effects. One question I do have is: What are 3 possible sides to this question?

ENG 102

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Stukenberg's Eng 102, Spring 2014

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